Scent Detection for Reactive Dogs
Scent detection training in dogs has long been used widely to detect drugs, explosives, cash, missing persons, human diseases and imminent epileptic fits and seizures to name just a few!
This course has been specifically designed for reactive dogs, to help activate your dog's nose and learn the foundations of scent work
Reactive dogs often experience their environment as stressful. Scent work can help build their confidence, ability to focus and feeling of being in control
What's included in Scent Detection for Reactive dogs?
Scent Detection for Reactive Dogs classes held at our dedicated Training & Behaviour Centre
Dogs are worked individually (therefore dogs must be comfortable waiting in vehicles in-between training/working times)
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Learn how to teach your dog scent identification, indication, handling & searching skills
Go from complete novice to indicating on a specific scent!
Teach your dog how to detect scent in various situations and during distractions, such as searching different areas / items, searching outside, searching at various heights and blind searching
Access to a Whatsapp Group for sharing your progress
After successfully completing the course, if you wish, you can enter Nosework Games. You will receive a clicker and you own scent kit to get you started!
Please note that there are no classes currently running for this service - instead, you can request to book a One to One Session with Rick, our Head Behaviourist & Trainer, and request to focus on Scent Work - just click the button below!

What else do I need to know?
Cost is £159 for X8 sessions, spread over 8 weeks, lasting 60 minutes each
Suitable for reactive dogs of any age and breed, as dogs will be worked individually with one to one coaching from the instructors (therefore dogs must be comfortable waiting in vehicles in-between training/working times)
Taught by an APDS trainer
You and your dog do not need any previous scent detection experience, but please contact us if you have completed other scent detection courses
Once you have completed this Scent Detection for Reactive Dogs Course, you can enter Nosework Games to put your dog's nose to the test! (Dogs are tested individually, so it is a safe space for reactive dogs)
Check out our T&Cs here for our cancellation policy
If you can't find dates you can attend, please get in touch with us so we can find a way to help you
Please note that there are no classes currently running for this service - instead, you can request to book a One to One Session with Rick, our Head Behaviourist & Trainer, and request to focus on Scent Work - just click the button below!

Where does it take place?
At APDS Training & Behaviour Centre, near Leominster & Hereford